Do I Have the Full picture?
Do I Have the Full Picture?
As a future educator I believe it's crucial to not only develop successful students but well-rounded children focusing on many different aspects of their being. Throughout elementary and middle school I've never had one particular teacher who stood out to me or had a significant impact on me like others may say. My teachers focused strictly on education and paid no mind to developing a connection with us as a class. I particularly feel that if my teachers were to have developed this connection with us school may have been more enjoyable and be something that I did not dread waking up every morning and going to. Throughout my high school years this had been a completely different scenario. My teachers would not only be interested in my education but me as a person and the things I enjoyed doing, where I grew up and what all I had been involved in. It is because of these teachers that I will strive to be a role model and friend to my students. I want my classroom to be a safe space for children who may not have this at home or outside of school. Children should feel safe and heard in their educational environment. Although teaching may seem so surface level from the outside it is a huge responsibility and task to not only supervise these kids but to make a difference in their lives and inspire them as well. From my experiences I feel that it is crucial for current and future educators to "see the bigger picture" when pursuing this career because they are shaping and setting an example for this future society.
ReplyDeleteHi Serena, thank you for sharing that with us! I definitely agree with your response. It must have been hard going through elementary and middle without any teachers trying to connect with you or your classmates. I strongly agree when you have stated “I particularly feel that if my teachers were to have developed this connection with us, school may have been more enjoyable, ” I feel like this is a problem we have in society now! Many students are starting to dislike school because some teachers just focus strictly on the education. In my future, I plan to be a teacher everyone gets inspired from and never forgets that I will be there for them before and after my class. I believe you and all of our classmates in this course to be the best outgoing teachers as we can be. I really enjoyed reading your blog!!