What does money really have to do with it?

 What does money really have to do with it?

        Prior to reviewing this unit, I previously strung to the idea that schools are funded based on set numbers predetermined by government officials. When diving deeper into this unit and Laura Isensee's Learn How Texas Funds Public Schools In 7 Easy Steps – Houston Public Media, within the first few steps I was pleased as to how money was divided between school districts adding "weight" to the budgets of schools whose students were in more need of it. As the article continued it was saddening to discover that these budgets had not been updated in the state of Texas since 1984 meaning budgets needed to be increased by double to satisfy the needs of students and school districts around the state in order to be successful. I believe that funding is the base of schooling systems because it is needed to support each aspect of a successful school. As I continued to read through this module, although it may seem obvious from the outside looking in, lower income communities' schools are given more money for funding but still struggle because of the large number of students who have more needs that must be met rather than schools in a higher income community. According to Mary Ellen Flannery's The Secret to High-Achieving Schools: ‘I’ve Never Felt Unsupported.’ | NEA in order for a school to be successful stability must be provided. This does not only include support from the students, faculty, parents and outside community but money as well in order to provide the district with all the resources needed. Although it is not satisfying to say money does have to do with everything in order to build a successful school district. 
